Problem the world faces:
Conventional solutions like incineration, recycling or landfills simply regurgitate plastic waste into secondary plastic or into the environment, increasingly contaminating our surroundings. As yesterday's plastic becomes today's plastic, landfills overflow with waste, and newly manufactured plastic enters the market, plastic waste keeps piling up.

85% of the world’s plastic gets dumped into landfills, incinerated, or worse, ends up in the oceans

Existing plastic waste management options are seriously inadequate and expensive

Recycling merely delays plastic waste's entry into landfills and the sea

Incinerators cost hundreds of millions of ringgit to construct and maintain

Plastic takes hundreds of years to decompose in landfills
A Malaysian government estimate showed disposing 8 million tonnes at a single landfill would cost 400 million ringgit. This cost excludes landfill mining and transportation expenses. In 2015, Malaysian government estimates showed that upgrading the nation’s 297 landfills(to meet demand) would cost an estimated 11.9 billion ringgit. But even building expensive, more sanitary landfills to do not address the root issue of waste pile-up – plastic waste. Landfills are costly, cause pollution to the environment and do not generate any sort of value. Due to its non-organic composition, plastic takes hundreds of years to degrade – making it a major source of landfill clogging. In addition, sunlight weakens plastic, causing fragmentation into “microplastic”: particles known to reach millimeters or micro- meters in size, making it easier for plastic to be washed off into seas and rivers. As most of its landfills are nearing full capacity, Malaysia aims to divert 40% of waste away from landfills by 2020. This, in our view, represents a critical business opportunity for Rigortech

Incineration harms the environment and destroys a potential source of clean energy
Currently, the most conventional way to destroy plastic waste is incineration. Malaysia is considering the construction of waste-to-energy incineration plants to deal with waste, an option taken up by some European countries and U.S. municipalities. The plan to construct incinerators has met with considerable opposition due to concerns over pollution resulting from the incineration process, which emits health-harming substances including dioxins, heavy metals and particulate matter known to cause respiratory diseases, cancers, immune system damage and reproductive and developmental problems4. The climate impact of plastic waste incineration in the US in 2015 was equivalent to 1.26 million passenger vehicles driven for one year, or more than half a billion gallons of gasoline consumed.
Our New Technology
Pyrolysis ends the loop of plastic waste- and Rigortech has unparalleled edge

"Unlike incineration or landfilling, pyrolysis is highly cost-effective and changes plastic into valuable energy products."
Among all plastic waste management solutions, pyrolysis has the greatest commercial potential with projected US$25.4 billion in profit growth from 2016-2030, according to McKinsey & Company5. As a replacement for conventional fossil fuel-derived oil, McKinsey notes that pyrolysis remains profitable even if crude oil is at $50 a barrel. Rob West6, an analyst at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, views pyrolysis has “strong economics” with capacity to generate over 30% internal rate of return on investment – and displace 15 million barrels/day of future oil demand. BASF, OMV, BP, TOTAL and Exxon are among global energy companies that have exhibited interest in pyrolysis technology7.

After an earlier generation of pyrolysis technology was deployed at over 20 plastic-to-energy plants in Thailand, we adopted the technology, designing a second-generation system with higher efficiency, lower emissions and increased recovery rates. Today, Rigortech is proudly present to you our latest development which is using SMART Pyrolysis System, built-in with Artificial Intelligence.
Our technology is significantly more productive, compared to what is

There's no need to wash or clean up dirty plastic before it enters SMART Pyrolysis ®
unlike other solutions that utilize significant amounts of water to clean plastic, potentially causing pollution when the water re-enters rivers, lakes or seas.

Our technology does not rely on chemicals to transform plastic waste into energy.
In the past, China-based companies deployed pyrolysis machines to deal with plastic waste. However, their systems required the use of chemical input, which resulted in pollutant emissions - and poor quality fuel output. Rigor’s SMART Pyrolysis systems do not require chemical input, breaking down plastic into raw fuel: simple hydrocarbons with no external chemicals or pollutants.

Our technology scales to meet the varied needs of consumers.
Other companies need to operate large pyrolysis plants to achieve profitability. This requires massive capital investment and a longer period for capital recovery. Rigor’s systems operate on capacities ranging from as little as 5kg to as much as 100,000kg(100TPD), which means that besides of industrial areas and landfills, our technology can be put to work in homes, shops, schools and buildings.